The wisdom of the North, the flame of the South.
For your happy life.
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Our credo
Man is built in such a way that he wants to be reflected in the outside world.
To express himself in it, to leave his mark, to influence with the qualities of his unique and inimitable personality how the world around him will look like.
When our inner values are expressed through our actions, and each step brings us closer to the goal - there comes a special state, which is called "flow". All people who have achieved something in this life have been motivated by this state - when the activity itself becomes a source of happiness. An endless source of resource that helps us continue to express our personal meanings into the world.
Do you want to build your life in such a way that it has as much of this state as possible?
We'll help you master the three basic principles that make it possible.
The principle of differentiation
Explore Yourself
Find out what you are really capable of. What are your own, deep values and goals, independent of external influences, what and how you want to broadcast to the world.
The principle of integration
Explore The World Around You
Find out what you have in common with other people, both those now living and those who left their mark on the earth before you. What cultural traditions are, how they unite humanity, and how you can contribute to them.
The principle of increasing complexity
Take Action
The right thing to do and the tools you use to do it - your competencies, knowledge, capabilities - should be in balance. As you reach your goals, you become more confident, accumulate knowledge and experience. They lead you to seek new challenges - which, in turn, require new tools. Life becomes an exciting adventure. And development and growth happen in harmony, without violence to yourself.
What Are We?
We are daughter of the icy North and son of the fiery South.
We are the warriors of today. Marina Grashina is the former director of a consulting company that implements management systems all over Russia, Mandeep Singh is the former general manager of a major exhibition center in Bombay.
We came to the values of self-actualization and self-disclosure in different ways.
We took different roads to the Dharamsala Valley - and fell in love with it once and for all, each in his own way.
We met here - and found an amazing, incomprehensible, almost frightening resonance... And we realized that we can and must help others to find their way - to the Valley, to ourselves, to the world, to each other.
Everything we know and can do, we are ready to share with you.
We are two hands of a once united tradition, outspread toward each other.
Quite recently, by historical standards - about 4 thousand years ago - the ancestors of Indians and Russians were one people. Pro-Indo-Europeans lived near the Black Sea, had common ideas about the world order, spoke the same language.
To this day, traces of this unity are preserved in the deep cultural layers of our peoples.
To touch them is to accept oneself as part of something greater than one's own life, family, or even country.
It is a step toward a new awareness of man in the world. A world where the focus is not on differences, but on the commonality of people - closeness in spirit, purpose, vision of the beautiful and divine. Ways to perceive it and reproduce it through ourselves.
Over the course of our quest, we have gathered around a whole team of like-minded people working in a variety of directions. Each of them will be presented in more detail in the descriptions of their respective programs.
Our Place of Strength - Dharamsala
The winter capital of the state of Himachal Pradesh, which is located near the northern border of India at an altitude of 3,000 meters above sea level. Its name can be translated as "spiritual home" or "spiritual abode".
What We Do
For over 15 years we have been helping people find a connection to their resource through knowledge, spiritual and bodily practices, and transformational journeys.
Our Areas of Focus:
Routes on amazing nature trails and cultural monuments that keep the imprint of tradition
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The traditional division of the annual circle as a way of organizing ideas about the universe
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Tibetan scientists' centuries of experience for health, beauty, and balance
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Harmonization of the psychophysiological state through a healthy and natural sound
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Studying oneself and others through the author's system of psychological types based on the works of C. G. Jung
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An ancient alphabet, a unique system for describing the world, and a way of knowing yourself and your place in the universe
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Modern author's descriptive system in the form of a deck of cards, a tool for studying oneself in society
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Calmness, confidence, productivity - through practices that have come down from ancient times and have not lost their relevance today
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How you can tell more about a person by their face than they know about themselves
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Items related to tradition: elements of spiritual practices, handicrafts etc.
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Influence of planets on human life and destiny - from the viewpoint of traditional Northern European vision
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How to find energy and time for everything that is important to you personally
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What We Offer:
Comprehensive composite training, practice and tourism programs in the Himalayas
Picturesque routes for lovers of outdoor activities
Training in different areas of knowledge: face-to-face (for those living or visiting in India) and distance learning (for people around the world)
Items with a connection to the cultures of the Indo-European peoples
What You Will Get of It:
  • Serenity
    Learn to dwell in a state of equanimity, removing everything foreign and unnecessary from it. Allow yourself inner peace, silence and freedom.
  • Adventure
    Experience the world, the present alive moment, not an imaginary world of habitual expectations, arguments and worries.
  • Spirituality
    Feel harmony and connectedness with everything around you, for everything affects everything else, it is a dependant co-arising as the Buddha said. Have abundance – give cheerfully and get gifts in return. Be aware, in awe and alive to this wondrous play of consciousness.
Gain the Ability of:
  • Seeing the world and other people
    From different perspectives, systematically, authentically
  • Managing your spiritual and physical state
    Achieve peace of mind and self-confidence
  • Understanding the interconnections of the past, present, and future
    Change yourself, external circumstances, relationships with people and the world
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