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"The Gates of the Ash"
Modern author's descriptive system in the form of a deck of cards, a tool for studying oneself in society
The "Gates of the Ash" deck of cards is a modern artifact based on the centuries-old traditions of card mantics and magic on the one hand, and on the concepts of Indo-European sacred Tradition on the other.
One of the creators of this system is Marina Grashina. Also Anastasia Eliseeva took part in the design of the deck in its physical appearance.
The basic idea behind the choices of the deck, is that it should work as a kind of "guide book", helping us understand how the world and society, to see our place in it, and therefore - our rights and responsibilities, and the optimal direction of personal development.

The deck named "Gates of Ash" is associated with the tradition of Tarot cards, and the tradition of working with "playing" decks as well. It contains no Senior Arcanes - only four suits - but the principles of its arrangement are more ancient than the principles of the "classic" Tarot, they are closer to the famous medieval deck Hofämterspiel.
The Gates deck reflects the optimal composition of any community claiming to be an effectively functioning System - be it an organization, a project, or anything else. Accordingly, each card of the deck corresponds to a specific "role" - on the one hand this is a characteristic of the individual as such, on the other - his function in the system (these things, of course, are inseparable). And, of course, The Gates of Ash works objectively as an oracle - a pretty specific one, but one that allows you to pick out things that are too secondary for other oracles.

At the moment, the deck enjoys well-deserved popularity among connoisseurs of oracles and fortune-telling systems - in particular, it is represented in the Tarot Museum in Barcelona.
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