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The Circle of the Year: the Basis for Life
Form: online
Duration: 4 evenings, 2 hours each (Tuesday — Thursday)
Starts: September 26, 2023.
Cost: $70, prepayment before September 15 - $62.
Tutors: Marina Grashina, Maxim Vasiliev

Why are projects launched in March easier to start than in December, but parting with someone or something is most effective in late fall? How to determine the moments when it is better to act, and the moments when it is more effective to plan or think about the next steps?
Magical, mystical and ritual perception of the annual cycle as the main symbol and display of the eternal mystery of life, as the basic principle of organization of activity existed in all peoples of the Earth - from the very ancient times, when man lived in a single rhythm with nature and the higher forces. For the northern, Nordic traditions, as opposed to the southern, Sumerian tradition, the perception of not 12-part, but 8-part annual cycle is characteristic, which is still reflected in the calendar rituals of many Indo-European peoples.

As part of this course, we will consider the ceremonial, mythological, semantic component of each point of the eight-part annual circle, we will understand their specificity, learn how to plan our lives in accordance with the dynamics of the year, competently use the power of each point and decipher the signs that it offers us.
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