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Ayurveda and Tibetan Medicine
Tibetan scientists' centuries of experience for health, beauty, and balance
Ayurvedic Medicine is a holistic health care science that focuses not only the prevention of disease but addresses solutions to chronic conditions.
It is supposed to have originated 5000 years ago but written texts are available from about 500 BC. The Vedic masters of ancient times inform us that all suffering in life is due to the violation of natural law, either knowingly or unknowingly.
Ayurveda generously gives the guidelines to live life in accord with the laws of nature, thereby preventing illness and unhappiness in life. These guidelines are simple tools to maintain balance in life. Lifestyle, diet, knowledge of herbs, and behavior are mapped out for each individual according their unique body-mind type.

Ayurveda is divided into eight limbs and covers every aspect of modern medicine like: internal medicine, surgery, eye- ear- nose- throat, obstretics/ gynecology/ pediatrics, toxicology, psychology (including treatment by ritual), rejuvenation and virilization.

Tibetan Traditional Medicine

During the reign of the 38th emperor of Tibet, Trisong Deutsen, in the eighth century, the existing indigenous medical tradition of Tibet rooted in Bon ideology was further enriched with the essence of medical knowledge and practices of Tibet's neighboring countríes, such as India (Ayurveda), China (Chinese Medicine) and Afghanistan, Persia or Iran, and Takzik (Unani "Medicine), which led to its further development. Tibetan Medicine is a unique and notable tradition, considered to be an all-encompassing body of medical knowledge by contemporary experts.
It is evident that Tibetan Medicine has also proved quite beneficial in clinical practice, particularly in the management of some chronic diseases that have been found difficult to treat through other medical systems. Tibet's comprehensive medical tradition, which is instrumental and essential for humanity, is one of the pinnacles among indigenous medical traditions throughout the world. Thus, it is the responsibility of practitioners of Tibetan Medicine who are experienced and familiar with the system to preserve and promote the tradition by thorough study and in-depth research.

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