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About Us
Our Credo
Man is built in such a way that he wants to be reflected in the outside world. To express himself in it, to leave his mark, to influence with the qualities of his unique and inimitable personality how the world around him will look like. In the bad version it is the desire for power for the sake of power: from school bullying to dictatorial regimes. In the good, creative, developmental and harmonious version, it is the joy of creativity. And creativity can be anything. Raising a child, managing a business, scientific development, just any activity in which a person is in his place, in which he believes and strives to do it as well as possible.

When our inner values are expressed through our actions, and each step brings us closer to the goal, there is a special state called "flow". You've probably noticed it in yourself. When you forget about the cold cup of coffee, because there are more important things to do. When two hours fly by like one minute. When in the moment you feel strong, confident, all-powerful, acting without hesitation or doubt. All the people who have achieved something in this life have actually been motivated not by money or fame, but by this very state - when the activity itself becomes a source of happiness. An endless source of resource that helps us continue to express our personal meanings to the world.

For more than 15 years we have been helping people achieve a state of flow. From different sides, in different ways, we have come to the conclusion that this is the most important thing for a happy life. And the most important thing that people can give to each other.
For more than 15 years we have been helping people achieve a state of flow. From different sides, in different ways, we have come to the conclusion that this is the most important thing for a happy life. And the most important thing that people can give to each other.
Cultures Unity

Quite recently, by historical standards - about 4 thousand years ago - the ancestors of Indians and Russians were one people. Pro-Indo-Europeans lived near the Black Sea, had common ideas about the world order, spoke the same language - from which Indo-Iranian Sanskrit and North European (including Slavic) languages later emerged.

The division occurred at the turn of the 3rd and 2nd millenniums BC. The developed lands were insufficient for the growing population - and the expansion into new territories began. The western branch moved to Europe, assimilating the cultures of the then local population - and as a result acquired the face of modern Europeans. The eastern branch, the Indo-Aryans, passed through the southern Urals, western Siberia, part of Central Asia, and reached the Indian subcontinent, where they also mingled with the local inhabitants.

But to this day, traces of this unity are preserved in the deep cultural layers of our peoples. To touch them is to accept oneself as part of something larger than one's own life, family, or even country. It is a step toward a new awareness of man in the world. A world where the focus is not on differences, but on the commonality of people - closeness in spirit, purpose, vision of the beautiful and divine. Ways to perceive it and reproduce it through ourselves.
Here in the Himalayan mountains - in the midst of majestic and peaceful vistas, against a background of nature that is older and wiser than all human civilizations - this commonality is seen especially clearly. It is here, therefore, that we have established the base of our association, our "spiritual home." And that is why we invite you here - to help you find the key to your own oneness with creation.
Our Team
Marina Grashina
Business consultant and trainer, voice couch and singer, author of 6 books, explorer and coach in the areas of practical psychology and Northern Tradition, organizer of conferences, concerts and festivals
Mandeep Singh
Tradeshow, exhibition, conference specialist and venue manager, track and tour guide, explorer and coach of various mindfulness practices
Over the course of our quest, we have gathered around a whole team of like-minded people working in a variety of directions. Some of them are presented below:
Anastasia Eliseeva
Teacher of voice development, expert in field of personality typologies
Maxim Vasilyev
Ethnographer and Storyteller
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