Since his student years he has participated in, organized and inspired events and festivities promoting and preserving traditional culture, starting from the patronage section of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Monuments of History and Culture (VOOPIK) and further on - within activities of some traditionalist associations: Center of Slavic Culture "Vyatichi" (1995-1999), Slavic community "Kolyada Vyatichi" (since 1999), Commonwealth of Slavic Communities "Velesov Krug" (since 2002), "Dom Yasenya" (since 2002). Since 1999 - within the framework of the activities of the following traditionalist associations: Center of Slavic Culture "Vyatichi" (1995-1999), Slavic community "Kolyada Vyatichi" (since 1999), Commonwealth of Slavic communities "Velesov's Circle", "Dom Yasenya" (since 2002). Member of the World Congress of Ethnic Religions in the House of Ash since 2001.
Participated in the Internet-projects "Lodja" and "Sleipnir" and in the projects of the Foundation for the Development of Traditional Culture as a graphic artist, in a number of publications of the "Veles' Circle" as an author of texts and illustrations.
The main form of creativity - collecting materials and composing scripts for traditional holidays. Texts and poems have been used at several dozens of mysteries, festivals and other events, as well as included in a number of traditionalist books.
Co-author of the books:
Leading specialist of Nordheim school in the field of ancient mantic practices. The main interests at the moment: runology, tarology, arcanology (the last two disciplines are related, but not identical), divination on I-Jin.
A man who has never officially called himself neither ‘Rodnover’ nor ‘Asatrua’, but always manages to support those who work for the Northern Tradition.
Godi (priest) of the House of Ash - in fact, since the founding of the House.
One of his strategic tasks today is the full integration of Tarot - as a heritage of the pan-European culture of magic/mantics - and the Northern Tradition.