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We are proud of our clients: students, trainees of courses, participants of retreats, hikes, and expeditions.
These are the people who have found the courage to "want the strange": to live a bright, rich and joyful life, to love and create - even when you are told on all sides to "keep your head down" and "be like everyone else". The greatest pleasure for us is to see your achievements. Your insights, your bursts of joy from your newfound unity with yourself and the universe.
We are proud of our clients: students, trainees of courses, participants of retreats, hikes, and expeditions.
These are the people who have found the courage to "want the strange": to live a bright, rich and joyful life, to love and create - even when you are told on all sides to "keep your head down" and "be like everyone else". The greatest pleasure for us is to see your achievements. Your insights, your bursts of joy from your newfound unity with yourself and the universe.

For 15 years, we have heard words of gratitude for what we do for people. Here we have collected only a small part of them.

About transformational journeys
The first echo of the seminar: for the second day I hear from people that I have changed, that I am different and not from this world. That cannot help but rejoice))
Anna B.
My Post-Crimean Wonders:
For exactly as long as I wanted to be an artist, I mercilessly crushed it in me, although from the first classes of school all the wall newspapers, the design of assembly halls, and all this was mine. I graduated from the music department, but did not go to the art school - no document, does not count! A couple of incomplete attempts to study graphic design, then illustrating - the same "does not count" and "where are the artists, and where are you"! And in November, when I saw Gregory's illustrations in the books, then the Ash deck, everything inside boiled over! Plus a very powerful experience of rebirthing practice with unpacking answers just before leaving to Crimea, and I got an obsessive thought: to draw what I saw, splash it out! And again: my arms are crooked, nothing will come out. I freaked out and left. I spent the whole seminar thinking about it. Then a couple of days ago, my brother gave me an iPad and a pencil and said: "For your drawings!" It was to the point of goosebumps and tears, and I started...
Also, while I was in the Crimea, sharing photos with my parents, they "suddenly" decided to buy a house in the Crimea.
In a course on Nordic astrology (forecasts) there were such a powerfu mindl boost and realization that this year I'm waiting as a close friend - we will have something to "hang out" at night.
Pure magic...
Didn't do anything, didn’t touch anyone, everything had started by itself.
Inna K.
I want to say again, thank you all so much for arrangement practice. What is happening now is hard to describe, but I feel alive. As fellow practitioners say, there is a lot of sunshine in me.
Valentina A.
After a month of online training, 16 lucky people, myself included, were immersed in a harsh but beautiful artistic life on the Black Sea coast for two weeks. There were no "casual" people here, and if you remember the four castes, there were no "workers" or "merchants" - for the former, our whole choral "movement" would rather resemble a kind of sect, for the latter there was no way to make a material gain for themselves. Now just imagine: two dozen "warriors" and "magicians" (taking into account the leaders) almost under one roof for two weeks! You don't need a specialized psychological education to say that it couldn't be "smooth" in such a situation. And indeed passions were "boiling". How else could it be? All great things are born in passions!

Marina gives extraordinary chants after which you feel a pleasant itching from the heart to the crown chakra, and also perfectly copes with the function of the siren, summoning to the morning exercises or lunch! There is no need to talk about her voice, you just have to LISTEN...

Summing up, we want to note that a kind of magic has happened: the elitist art has made a step to the people and like a wave's crest it has taken talents to the stage, which we like to marinate in their own juice for some reason.

Dimetry L.
Good afternoon. I would like to say that for me it was simultaneously a challenge, an adventure, an opportunity to assess my strength, to be in a creative environment, different from my professional environment, work and recreation, communication with enthusiastic enthusiasts and professionals, which is very important! I thank you all for this experience, for the trust, the opportunity to participate in such a beautiful, thoughtful and executed with love event. Not that I was not disappointed, but pleasantly surprised by people's attitude to their business, love of music and people. Thanks to those who came up with the idea and to all those who implemented it. A special thank you to you for the Queen of Spades! You just captivated me. Forgive me for being verbose... Emotions overflowing! Good luck to you all and simple human joy)))
Victoria A.
Those were the most amazing and fulfilling ten days of my life. [...] Sometimes the class ended at midnight, but the learning continued even after that: around the campfire over a cup of tea we talked, talked, talked... However, the format of the retreat was not just about getting information. Each student went through his personal rite and received his personal initiation on the Path. There are no words to describe what it was like. One has just to live it, feel it, accept it and keep it forever...
Valentina N.
How do you describe the North so that you realize you can't live without it? A place of the Force? That's not quite true, because the North is the Force, it's everywhere, you don't have to look specifically for some special tree or rock to feel it. It's in the air, it's under your feet, it's in the salty drops of icy water that the White Sea generously throws in your face and behind your scruff. "I wanted the wind to beat through and through" (V. Kipelov, Aria). To feel how much Force is in these lines, you have to come to the North. At such moments you begin to realize the nature of northern magic, its sources, the roots of its Tradition. To realize without words, inexpressibly, but to the core...
Maria Yu.
It was a wonderful 10 days. I was going there with low expectations, so that if anything happened I would not be deeply disappointed. I had wanted to go there for a long time and told myself: "Even if the seminar turns out to be uninteresting, I will sit by the sea with a pipe and delicious coffee and look at the sea for 10 days. And that is the only reason why I did not come for nothing". But the seminar exceeded my wildest expectations. It was a very interesting and useful experience, unique knowledge which cannot be obtained anywhere else.
Dmitry G.
About trekking and hiking
Me, my wife and young daughters were looking to visit a children friendly hill station and we were pleasantly surprised. It’s such a magical place and suitable for people of all ages. My family was able to trek to Magic Point on the way to Triund and to the relatively undiscovered beautiful village of Barnet, through forests of Pine, Oak and blooming Rhododendrons. The kids were delighted to splash and swim in the Neugal river and take a ride in the Sky Bus with its birds eyeview of the Kangra valley and the snow capped mountains. The variety of cuizines and the lovely weather were an icing on the cake. We look forward to regular returns and exploring further.
Gagandeep Gill, Amritsar, India
I had the most amazing trip in Himachal thanks to my tour guide Mandeep, the most scenic views, the bubbling springs of Himalayan waterfalls buried deep in the mountain ranges, so many unforgettable memories in just a short span...
We started the day very early. First we did a monastery tour, we went to Tsuglagkhang complex which is the Main Dalai Lama temple, it was beautiful and then nearby we went to the Kalachakra temple in Mcleod Ganj and the enlightenment stupa which is built on 4 cubic steps to symbolize 4 achievements of the Buddha.
Then we had some tasty Tibetan cuisine, we ordered some exotic spring rolls, mutton momos, thukpa, a tibetan soup and topped it up with a nice cappuccino.
The we set off to the beautiful meditative atmosphere of Nechung monastery, which is situated between Mcleodgunj and Dharamshal city, where there is brilliant artwork, a silent and still, calm and meditative atmosphere, lot of foreigners do silent retreats here, next we went to the Tibetan Men Tsee Khang (Tibetan Medical and Astrological ) museum, where we bought some tasty Tibetan sorig tripa tea and sorig bae kan tea.
Finally we went to the beautiful Dharamkot where we saw the beautiful Tushita monastery with its Shanti Stupas, medicine Buddha and Vajrasattva Gompa, it is a beautiful environment and full of students who come from all over the world for world for an introduction to Buddhism.
We ended the day with a scenic trek to the beautiful Naddi, it is enclosed by beautiful scenic snowy peak and has breath taking sunset views, we had a lovely dinner and withdrew to our residences
The next morning we went for the most beautiful trek, with breathtaking views and an experience which was truly categorized as a once in a lifetime. We trekked from Naddi to Gallu Devi stopping for some Rhododendron juice and breakfast, passing by the most scenic Rhododendron trees, high up in the scenic mountains, it was unique and very refreshing, it gave us energy for the rest of the trek. Then we went high up in the mountains to the Nag Temple above Gallu Devi, enjoying a l panoromic view of Dharamkot Valley, Bal Village and the Dhauladhar Himalayan Range. Subsequently, we set off for a trek to the most beautiful waterfall... Where I took a dip in the freezing cold Himalayan waters, we had a nice chai and snacks and spoke to a charming cafe owner who stays at the waterfall even in the winter when it becomes all ice and snow. While returning we stopped at Sunset Café to behold a mesmerizingly beautiful sunset.

The 3rd day of our trip we set off to Norbulingka, it is a very beautiful monastry and tibetan heritage site, the walls are covered with tibetan deities such as the 5 buddha families(5 elements), the medicine buddhas and various deities, and a huge statue of Tsong kha pa.
Then we went to the famous residence of Karmapa (gyuto monastry) where the famous tibetan High Lama Samdong ronpoche was giving a talk explaining Shantidevas famous book. Then we went to Chinmaya Tapovan Ashram, it is a scenic ashram, it is famous for being around ancient caves where Siddh Yogis still meditate intensely till today. From there we went to Kangra Devi Shaktipeeth, where we bought fresh mountain Akhrot and some sweets.
It was a beautiful trip and we formed life long memories, it was a painful departure from such a beautiful refreshing environment.
Dhiraj Shewakramani, Nigeria
About trainings and practices
About personality typologies
Have you ever walked in the rain, wind and black sky with your back straight and your head up? With a thirst for life and the happiness of being yourself?
I trained myself to walk like that for many months, but it came out by itself, so natural and beautiful - after communicating with Marina Grashina.
And it's not that I was some naive dolt or, conversely, a very serious "smart girl with furrowed brow. Life has just turned out in such a way that recently it has become important to find and understand myself. And that search has led, among other things, to this curious blog.
"Why not?" - I decided. Does it matter that I know nothing about it? Here is an expert, let him explain to me who I am and why. What if it resonates?
It blasted so that the resonance will shake the space of my reality for a long week, I'm sure. So suddenly the abyss opened up and the understanding of the world in you, its structure and your place in it...
This method, of course, is not the only one. But it's certainly not superfluous! It puts a lot of things in their places. And the Master's merit is undeniable - if you do not want to work with a "man-instruction", who has decided once and for all how to "do the right thing" and will drive you into a given framework, but you understand the value of being SEEN, and they see right to the root, picking out and bringing across the essence in a clear way, you are in the right place.
Delicacy and professionalism in a cocktail, seasoned with a note of vital drive - you will get it, I am sure! I found out))
Marina Nikolaevna, I wish you a long and fruitful years, I really look forward to cooperate more! Thanks to your team!
Elena K.
Once, just last leap year, these people (Marina and her company) helped me to understand and accept myself. More precisely, they helped me to go through the first step in understanding who I am, why I am here, and what I can do well - both for myself and for this World.
By the way, personally, for those who are pissed off by the word "SOCIONICS" alone. I understand you very well: until the fall of 2016 I was like that myself)) (and I can't tell you how much my own TIM pissed me off)). And the acceptance didn't come right away, but only some time later, in 2018. But how good I felt after that acceptance! Then (almost immediately after that) I took a wrong turn again, but - we are all human beings, we all make mistakes.... but then we come back to ourselves again.
And - getting back to the main topic - socionics just shouldn't be taken in isolation from much else. However, it is also possible (and perhaps even necessary!) to work with it.
And the knowledge of the typologies that Marina is willing to give is, in my opinion, the best that all the socionics schools I know at the moment have to offer.
Jana P.
It's important to find a Master in your field, passionated about what he or she do.
I took the test more than 10 times, started to read the description, somewhere it fit, but... I gave up, didn't find any use or benefit from socionics. There are no tests to determine my own psycho-type, there are no good ones - written by "the Internet". You need a specialist who will see with his own eyes, ask the right question and find what lies behind the act, because it is not easy to find the motivation for the act, it can be hidden from yourself. I was lucky to attend a consultation with Marina Nikolaevna, where I managed to rediscover myself!
Already after consultation, processing the information received, suddenly realized that for so long I tried to remake myself, considered it wrong, what I need to do, to live differently. That state all the time as a background that does not go anywhere buzzing - not enough attention, not enough this, not enough that. Suddenly I realize that "I" am like this and it's "normal", there's nothing wrong with me (!). Of course this is not a stop, you can, if you want, "finish it off", but you can stop cramming yourself into the hole for a circle if you’re a diamond... There was an acceptance of myself, a consent... I don't know how to say it. Permission to be like this. For me, this became an important point. Thank you for your work and for what you do!
Katerina Sh.
About voice practice
I have only been to a few classes and I am thrilled! Such wonderful changes began to happen that I don't even know how to describe it in words. I want to go and go and go with you, because with each session something new is discovered, and it's wonderful! I couldn't sing at all - and now I hear some notes coming out and I know I can do it, I can do it! Thank you so much!
Elena N.
I used to talk quite quietly, often inaudible. People didn't hear me and didn't perceive me, it was very disturbing both in work and in personal communication. And I always loved to sing, but again, quietly. After a few months of lessons I sang for the first time to my parents and they said, "Oh, Ksyusha, you have a voice! Wow, you sing beautifully!" I was proud of myself at that moment because I had managed to achieve what I was striving for.
Xenia K.
Now when I drive to and from work, I do a warm-up and experiment with my voice. I really like "fooling around”. For example: expressing my voice - free parking space, upcoming trial, unexpressed emotions. It's so much fun. I thank the teachers for the opportunity to learn a new area of my life through voice.
Maria M.
I've been looking for a long time for competent public speaking teachers who don't cripple the vocal apparatus, but rather help me learn how to use it properly. In this course I got EVERYTHING and more than I expected.
I talk for hours at work and my ligaments would get tired and my voice would sit up. And here I learned how to warm them up before I start and relax them afterwards. In February I got sick, and I lost my voice completely. I did exercises from my public speaking course along with the basic treatment and after a couple of days it didn't hurt to speak.
Katerina R.
This school attracts a lot of very interesting and not indifferent people - both teachers and students who are ready to fully devote themselves to voice and music. And when so many beautiful and motivated people unite under the guidance of someone as beautiful as professional, something incredible happens! And so it is every day.
Xenia P.
About the "Cultural Management" training
We were given a professional tool in an accessible form, which is easy to use to bring order to our daily work and our heads. Before that all our work with projects was in the format of a text written on many sheets of paper by hand, without a presentation of cause-and-effect relationships and resource costs. After all, while finances can still be estimated somehow, time and logic are the two fundamental cornerstones that are very difficult to measure without the right tool. Information about people's psychotypes is undoubtedly also very interesting, because the success of your event as a whole depends on the success of communication. So thanks a lot, we will be glad to continue working together.
Ivan S.
I liked that everything in the seminar was clear, specific, all the points, all the schedule. There was no unnecessary water. They talked about things that you can rarely read about on the Internet. And immediately the entire seminar was applied in practice - in my head, I immediately had a very clear plan, and you understand what you were doing right and wrong, and in what direction to go. For example, I could never figure out how much time I needed for a project, so I had to do everything off the cuff. There are three days left, and you realize that in those three days you're either going to die, or you have to do it.
Next time I wish we had more information on psychology, because this information is just extremely necessary for us, especially when we work with creative people. If you understand who is who, who will hear you and who will not hear you - you can apply it very clearly in practice. So thank you very much. I hope we will work not only at seminars, but also on our projects.
Irina H.
About the "Gates of the Ash" deck
With the possible exception of the Gypsy, there were no cards or oracles that simply described a person's social actions (situations) in detail. It was in the "Gates of the Ash" deck that the clear, unequivocal situation picture that was required appeared. This deck has the most important criterion - the simplicity of pure perception.
Andrew K.
So, exactly 2 years ago I found out about the existence of the Gates of Ash deck, last week I bought it and started working with it.
Yes, unexpectedly, everyone who knows me will confirm that for many years I worked exclusively with runes, any decks I respected, but did not take in hands. And now, it happened. What can I say. The feeling is the most magnificent. Very pleasant to work with a deck. It feels like a lot of work has been done, and the result is not a piece of cake, but a solid and finished product.
Naturally, this thing is not for everyone, because everyone simply does not need it. Naturally, the deck does not replace the runes. On the contrary, it is very beautiful and harmonious complement them.
Alexei G.
Surprisingly, I've been reading the accompanying book and "leafing through" the deck for a month now. There were more questions than understanding. Behind the external clarity there were deep layers, which somehow I could not dig out on my own.
Practically a unique opportunity to communicate with the creator of the deck, because his information is not only in words and pictures, he - the carrier of this knowledge and the system. With one or two strokes he puts it into place and gives it shape.
Outside my window a northern dawn was rising, seeping red flashes through the Christmas trees, then clouds appeared in the blue sky, then fog covered everything, and now black and white graphics with drizzling rain. And it's all an illustration of the four suits of the deck.
Red and Black.
It feels like a breath of fresh air. Pure, piercing, northern.
Marina K.
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