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Nordic Astrology
Influence of planets on human life and destiny - from the viewpoint of traditional Northern European vision
"Nordic Astrology" is a course in which the instructors of the School talk about a very different, very different from "modern astrology" approach to assessing the impact of Heaven and Earth on a person's destiny and mission.
There are a number of astrological systems in the world. The most widespread of them is the modern European - we will further call it "conventionally classical" - which is based on the 12-part division of the ecliptic. The very 12 signs of the Zodiac, which are segments of the ecliptic 30 degrees long and have nothing to do with the constellations from which they borrowed their names.
However, we know that the original calendar system of the Northern Tradition (in the broad sense of the latter term) was purely solar. This does not mean that our ancestors "did not notice" the Moon and its influence - by no means. But the very basis of the calendar system was solar - that is why 8 key holidays of the Tradition are tied to specific points of the year (read - solar cycle): two Solstices, two Equinoxes and the holidays of the "fiery cross": Samhain, Beltane, Lughnasa and Imbolc, if we use their Celtic names.

The calendar system used determines the division of the ecliptic in the astrological system. Accordingly, if the traditional calendar implies 8 "months", divided by eight key points, tied to the solar cycle, then the ecliptic (the annual path of the Sun, very roughly speaking) in astrology, tied to Tradition, should be divided not into 12, but into 8 segments - 45, not 30 degrees. Thus, instead of the "classical" zodiacal circle in Nordic astrology we have our own "Zodiac".
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