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Artifacts of Tradition
Items with a connection to the cultures of the Indo-European peoples
Each tradition is embodied in the objects of its material culture. From ritual attributes to everyday clothing, from books to tableware, everything bears the imprint of the worldview, customs, and collective identity of the people who produce these objects.

Many folk crafts still use authentic technology and equipment in almost pristine condition, and the secrets of production are passed on from generation to generation.

An immersion in the magical world of Dharamsala would be incomplete without an introduction to the objects of material culture. This will give us an additional opportunity, so to speak, to "feel with our hands" the factology of the place, to become even more affined with it. In addition to the obligatory tasting of the local cuisine, we will also introduce you to the variety of merchandise that McLeodgunj offers, as well as offering participation in some purely practical workshops - pottery, aromatherapy, traditional medicine, henna art etc. The list of our offerings in this area will continue to grow and expand.

Product Testimonials in Dharamsala:
Only in McLeod Ganj I truly understood the meaning of my and my friends' favorite expression "a lot of small and different"))) Literally on every corner you can buy a little piece of Himalayan life: culture, life, tradition. Jewelry and stones, clothes and handbags, Ayurvedic medicinal cosmetics and perfumes (local dry perfume is a wonderful thing; also Tibetan fragrances, sober and refined, very different from the screaming scented sticks we are used to) - I can't list everything. I bought a whole bunch of small, but original and wonderful souvenirs for 100-200 rubles each for my friends and acquaintances. My nearest and dearest got bigger presents, such as a cashmere shawl for my mother-in-law (by our standards, of course, also for a ridiculous sum, in our stores the price for such quality item would probably have been at least 10 times more). And for myself - the famous local handmade notepad in a leather cover with a brass lock. Now writing down in it my most unusual, intelligent and creative thoughts)).
Anastasia F.
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