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Personality Typologies
Studying oneself and others through the author's system of psychological types based on the works of C. G. Jung.
All people are different - hardly anyone would argue with that. But exactly how different? And in what way?
At the beginning of the XXth century, Carl Gustav Jung became interested in this question. As the founder of modern analytical psychology, he was the first to divide people into categories according to the principle of perception and information processing. Subsequently, two more systems were created on the basis of his work: the Myers-Briggs typology (also widely known in the West as MBTI) and socionics.
These three typologies have never been used in combination, and for good reason. Because, with their common roots, they perfectly complement and support each other. It is on the combination of these three classifications that the author's system for describing psychological types, created by M.N. Grashina in her co-authorship with A. M. Eliseeva.

We have been using this system in practice for more than 15 years. Having started to create it within PSM Consulting as a tool for managing people in business, we soon discovered that its possibilities extend much further. In fact, there is not a single sphere of life - from personal and family relations to career development, from self-knowledge and self-development to implementation of social and cultural projects - where this knowledge would not be irreplaceable.
The system of typologies allows you to understand: why your colleagues, acquaintances and loved ones sometimes behave differently than you expect; how to build effective communication with different types of people at work and at home; what is your own strength (which you can and should use) and weakness (which should be considered for your own safety, as well as finding ways of personal growth). Knowledge of the typologies helps to reduce the number of conflicts in professional and personal life, freeing up a resource for development - whatever it is personally for each person.

A unique authorial development of our system, which is not reflected in any of the typologies separately, is the direction we conventionally call "The School of Werewolves. This is an advanced technique that allows you to temporarily reconstruct your personality type into some other type, objectively selected for the current task at hand. The task may be a personal achievement or the need to reach an agreement with a particular person. Learning to determine another person's psychotype from the outside, without using tests and questionnaires, we can also understand the qualities of which psychotype will cause the person the greatest trust and acceptance, and allow to convey his message with the greatest efficiency.
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